USM/LA Senior College continues to Zoom

USM/LA Senior College, like other institutions of learning is continuing to keep the curriculum alive and well on Zoom. Thanks to one of our members, Mary Jane Beardsley, USM/LA Senior College has been on the cutting edge of senior college classes online. Originally the idea was to include those who are sick or homebound, but since the COVID-19 crisis the Senior College has found that they are ahead of the curve in getting classes out via Zoom. Many other senior colleges across the state have participated in the Senior College’s offerings and are beginning to provide classes which are available through USM/LA Senior College. Who says that senior citizens are not tech savvy?
Many of our members are currently enjoying some early spring classes—some single presentations and some weekly for four to six sessions. The Board of Directors has put together a second spring session during which the classes will be online and free to seniors. The following is a list of those currently planned for May but stay tuned—there may be more.
1. About Face Art Studio: 6 sessions, examining various approaches throughout history to get inspiration for our own creations of the face using various media.
2. Got to Get Ourselves Back to the Garden: 2 sessions, botanizing and herbaria then and now and keeping records of what is happening in your garden.
3. Online Banking Made Easy: 5 sessions, getting started, safety and security, and managing your account.
4. Food in the Time of Plague: 4 sessions, cooking and conversation about foods that make up cuisines around the world.
5. Fun with Snapfish: 3 sessions, create great Snapfish books for gifts! The instructor will hold an early introductory meeting so check your email.
6. A Geezer Adventure in Vietnam: 1 session, the instructor will talk about his time living and working in Vietnam, 45 years after it became an independent country.
7. Viruses and What to Do About Them: 2 sessions, what are viruses from a scientific perspective? How do we handle the emotional and social fallout caused by them?
8. 1619 Slavery: 6 sessions, Is slavery the country’s very origin despite conventional.
historical narratives of America? Does slavery, to this day decisively influence what the American nation is?
9. A class currently being developed by Maine Audubon Society.
For more information and/or to register you can email us at or call: 207-753-6610. Please include your name, email, and phone.
Note: Please be patient; if you call it may take a few days for a response.