New Beginnings Warming Center opens for young adults

LEWISTON, ME — The Warming Center will have a capacity for 24 young adults, ages 18-24, at our 134 College St. location in Lewiston. Guests will have a safe warm space for the overnight hours, access to bathrooms, two meals and connections to housing navigation services.
The Center will remain open until March 30, 2024, from 8 pm-8 am, seven days a week.
Access to warm and safe spaces is a social determinant of health, and this warming center expands New Beginnings’ capacity to provide safety for young adults who are currently unsheltered, sleeping in places that are unfit for human habitation, or staying in unsafe locations.
The primary goal of New Beginnings Warming Center is to ensure the health and safety of its guests, our neighbors, and the community. To meet this goal, New Beginnings has partnered with the City of Lewiston, will staff the center with appropriately trained staff and security professionals to monitor the property’s exterior, and strengthen its collaborative partnerships with local providers to support guests.
We look forward to serving our community as best we can this winter.